Web design & development in Jacksonville

Double your clients with custom web design

two people standing nex to the table

Do businesses need a website?

Today, more than ever, businesses in Jacksonville depend on their online presence. There are thousands of searches on Google every hour by people looking for services or products, and every company looking to make money and expand must make sure that they can be found. While you can set up Google My Business, social media profiles, and directory listings, only a fraction of potential clients would ever come across your company details.

If you have been in business for many years and have a client base, you could have a much bigger client base. If you are just starting your business, you will establish yourself much faster. Any business needs a website! A fast website with a custom design and optimized SEO will at least double your client base. If you are not going to put any effort into your online presence, believe me, your competitors will.

Client and customer standing next to each other

Grow your business

Increased online presence

A website is like an online office for your business. While in the past, every business had to have a physical presence for clients to find them, now the majority of searches are happening on Google and other search engines. Without an optimized and fast website, it's the same as having a business office in the outskirts of Jacksonville, in a basement, without a sign on the door - no potential client will ever find your business and what it has to offer.

Person infront of a laptop

Improved customer engagement and support

Potential customers can engage with your business more efficiently via a website. They can see all the information about the products or services your business provides, as well as reviews from previous customers. In case of any questions, they can reach your business via a contact form, and if you collect their email addresses, you can reach them via newsletters. This reduces the number of phone calls from potential customers and increases their level of satisfaction, as well as the likelihood of them purchasing a product or service you provide.

Women browsing internet on the phone

Marketing and sales opportunities

For a business in Jacksonville, a website will provide various opportunities to market their products through ad campaigns, articles, and email marketing, as well as the possibility to set up e-commerce functionality and automate otherwise time-consuming processes.

Women looking at the whiteboard figuring a marketing strategy

Customer data collection and analysis

A website will help you understand your business customers better. You can gather a lot of valuable data from the website about customer behavior, location, and preferences. With that information, you can identify areas for improvement and opportunities.

Various data analysis graphs

Website which brings clients

Happy person with a tablet

Custom website design

We will use your company's logo and colors to design and develop a custom website for your company, informing and converting potential clients into valued customers.

Happy person with a tablet

E-commerce integration

If you are selling products or services online, we will integrate e-commerce solutions, including shopping cart functionality, inventory management, and a payment gateway, to enable secure transactions and a pleasant customer experience.

Happy person with a tablet

Performance & analytics tracking

You will be able to see and analyze your website traffic, engagement, and conversion rates, and make data-driven decisions to attract more customers from Jacksonville and around.

Happy person with a tablet

Content management system (CMS)

With a CMS, you will be able to easily manage and edit your website's pages, add new services and products.

Happy person with a tablet

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We will SEO-optimize your website, so your potential customers will be able to find your website on Google and other search engines.

How you to get your website in Jacksonville

Initial assessment

First, we schedule a video call to discuss your business, design preferences for your website, and the functionality required. This discussion allows us to determine if we are the right fit for the project, as well as gain an overview of your business and how to best integrate the website to help you achieve your set goals.

Action plan

After understanding your business's needs, we can start planning the web design and development process. Typically, we start with planning the structure of the website, determining which pages and sections are necessary and where. Afterwards, together with keyword and competitor research, we prepare the content strategy. Lastly, before starting the next phase, we create mockups and wireframes of the website to get a visual overview. In this way, we can understand the challenges ahead and look for appropriate solutions.

Web design & development

When a plan is in place, we design a website with fonts and colors that represent your business brand. Once we agree on the final design, we get to work on developing all the parts using the most advanced tools, such as Next.js, while following best practices. Throughout the development phase, we provide regular updates and ask for feedback on the functional parts to ensure it meets your expectations.

Performance testing

Before launching your new website, we make sure that everything works as expected on all kinds of devices, as well as all major browsers. We review the performance with you to ensure that it meets your expectations.

Deployment and administration

After the testing phase, we proceed with the launch. We typically host websites on the Vercel platform, which is designed to provide excellent performance and easy scalability. Once your website is live, we continue to provide support and maintenance, which includes website updates, security checks, and addressing any issues that may arise. Our goal is to deliver a product that you don't need to worry about.

Start web design process in Jacksonville

Take the first step towards improving your online presence. Contact us for a free consultation!

Websites we can design and build

web-store template

E-commerse stores

Online stores designed to maximize conversion rates and user satisfaction, making it easy for customers to browse, purchase, and manage their accounts.

business website template

Business websites

A website that effectively communicates your business's unique value proposition, provides a seamless user experience, and drives conversions through clear calls-to-action and intuitive navigation.

blog website template

Bloging websites

Dynamic pages that engage your audience, improve your search rankings, and drive meaningful conversations through regular updates and fresh content.

events website template

Events websites

Comprehensive event management systems that enable you to manage everything from announcements to registrations with ease, ensuring a seamless experience for attendees.

portfolio website template

Portfolio websites

Visually stunning websites that showcase your work, products, or services in a compelling way, perfect for creatives, artists, and businesses that rely on visual storytelling.

custom website in Jacksonville template

Custom websites

Custom solutions that combine elements of multiple website types, such as e-commerce, blogging, and portfolio features, to create a unique online presence that meets your specific business needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

In Jacksonville, the cost of a website will vary depending on business needs, which will be reflected in the complexity and features of the website. On average, a basic website costs around $1000-$5000, while a more advanced website will cost more. Payment in parts is possible, depending on the size of the project.

Depending on the size of the project, the timeline will vary greatly. On average, it takes between 4 to 8 weeks from the first call to the launch phase.

Yes, we integrate a content management system in every website that allows you to edit and manage your website with ease. Also, we will provide you with basic training and support on using the system.

Responsive design enables your website to function well on all device sizes, providing a smooth user experience as well as improving Google search engine ranking.

n Jacksonville, an SEO-optimized website will give you an advantage against the competition, as your website will get more engagement from Google and other search engines, making it easier to get conversions and expand your business.

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